• 07-03-25 08:14:24

  • Language

  • Courses

    I) Primary: The academic duration of this section is five academic years. Subjects such as holy Quran, Arabic, English, Urdu, Hindi, Mathematics, Science, Geography, Islamic faith, biography of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his companions are taught in the school. Students are taught how to read and write aforementioned languages correctly.
    II) Middle School: This stage consists of three academic years. At this stage, students are taught Arabic, English, Urdu, Persian, and Hindi languages; translation; Mathematics; Science; the holy Quran; Tafsir; elementary books of Hadith; and etc.
    III) Secondary School (Moulvi Course): It consists of two academic years. At this stage, students are taught Arabic literature, Tafsir of the holy Qur'an, Hadith and its terminologies, English language, and etc.
    IV) Higher Secondary School (Alim Course): This section too consists of two academic years. At this stage, students are taught hadiths and its studies, tafsir (interpretation of holy Quran) and its principles, fiqh (jurisprudence) and its rules, hadith identification, literature, rhetoric, and composition in English and Arabic in a friendly environment.
    V) Fadhila Course (specialization in Islamic studies): This course consists of two academic years. In this course, students are imparted education of hadiths and its studies, al-jarh wa-al-tadil (evaluation of hadiths' narrators), comparative jurisprudence, and Arabic and English literatures.
    VI) Memorization of Holy Quran: In this Section, students learn to recite the Holy Quran correctly and they memorize it. Students join this center after completion of primary education.
